The EGU General Assembly 2022, the first hybrid EGU meeting, was a great success, with 12,332 presentations in 791 sessions. A total of 7,315 participants from 89 countries attended the conference in person in Vienna and 7,002 participants from 116 countries followed the sessions via online.
The conference was held between May 23-27, 2022. A session entitled “The role of subsurface flow systems in solving water management and environmental problems” was organized with the support of RGFC-IAH, and was chaired by Jim LaMoreaux, John Molson, Daniela Ducci, Manuela Lasagna and Judit Mádl-Szőnyi. The aim of this session was to bring together scientists and specialists who study groundwater flow systems in different aspects.
Understanding the properties of groundwater flow systems is essential because it can help to evaluate local, regional and basin-scale processes that have effects on water resources in porous and fractured aquifers. Moreover, it can help to address issues related to groundwater management and support sustainable development and protection of groundwater resources. During the session, twenty-four five-minute-long presentations were given followed by a two-minute discussion.
Among the lecturers was Petra Baják (PhD student) from the Hydrogeology Chair and Foundation, who gave a presentation entitled “Investigation of the contribution of groundwater to the water budget of a shallow soda lake in Hungary by using stable and radioactive isotopes as natural tracers”.
Anita Erőss (research fellow) member of the Hydrogeology Chair and Foundation co-chaired another session named “GI6.7 Geoscience applications of environmental radioactivity”. Bence Molnár (MSc student in geophysics) presented his research “Natural radioactivity and rock-water interactions in the springs of Sopron Mountains (Hungary)” in this session.
The hybrid format EGU Conference was an interesting experience for all participants. The event provided an excellent opportunity to meet on-site or online and to share research results and plans among researchers. We were happy to try out the new format, thereby promoting the acquisition of new experiences in regional groundwater flow research. A good opportunity to build new relationships with scientists from all over the world.
#vEGU21 Youtube video “Welcome to the Virtual Conference Centre”