Tanulmányutak, workshop-ok résztvevőinek elégedettségi felmérése
Ezen az oldalon olvashatók azon elégedettségi felmérések ereményei, melyek a Professzúra munkatársak tanulmányútjairól, illetve workshop részvételeiről készültek.
Esemény: 4 hónapos továbbképzés/tanulmányút
Időpont: 2019. március 4– június 30.
Résztvevő: Iván Veronika
Fogadó intézmény: University of Milan (Milánói Egyetem)
Téma: Groundwater vulnerability assessment with statistical methods (A felszínalatti vizek sérülékenységének vizsgálata statisztikai módszerekkel)
Elégedettségi kérdőív és Iván Veronika válaszai:
Logistics and organisation of the training:
- Organisation and conduct of the training: Excellent
- Tools and softwares used during the training: Excellent
- Appropriateness of the office (i.e., PC availability, internet connection): Excellent
- Appropriateness of the training duration to the activities done: Excellent
Material and content of the training:
- The training objectives have been clearly presented: Excellent
- The instructions on how to use the software for the practical activities were clear: Excellent
- The quality of the teaching material provided was adequate for the training objectives: Excellent
- Tutors‘ competence on the topics covered during the training: Excellent
- Tutors‘ assistance during the training: Excellent
Other aspects:
How do you assess your preparation for the topics covered during the training (before it)? – Good
Indicate your opinion on the following statements:
- The topics are of my interest and the training has met my expectations: Excellent
- The training has increased my interest on the topics: Excellent
- The complexity of the subjects dealt with was adapted to my level of preparation: Excellent
How do you rate (1 to 10) the increase of your abilities and knowledge on the topics of the training? – 9
Esemény: 50 napos továbbképzés/tanulmányút
Időpont: 2020. február 3. – március 26.
Résztvevő: Szabó Zsóka
Fogadó intézmény: University of Milan (Milánói Egyetem)
Téma: Vadose zone modelling (including MAR) (Telítettlen zóna modellezés, beleértve a MAR rendszereket)
Elégedettségi kérdőív és Szabó Zsóka válaszai:
Logistics and organisation of the training:
- Organisation and conduct of the training: Excellent
- Tools and softwares used during the training: Excellent
- Appropriateness of the office (i.e., PC availability, internet connection): Excellent
- Appropriateness of the training duration to the activities done: Good
Material and content of the training:
- The training objectives have been clearly presented: Excellent
- The instructions on how to use the software for the practical activities were clear: Excellent
- The quality of the teaching material provided was adequate for the training objectives: Excellent
- Tutors‘ competence on the topics covered during the training: Excellent
- Tutors‘ assistance during the training: Excellent
Other aspects:
How do you assess your preparation for the topics covered during the training (before it)? – Good
Indicate your opinion on the following statements:
- The topics are of my interest and the training has met my expectations: Excellent
- The training has increased my interest on the topics: Excellent
- The complexity of the subjects dealt with was adapted to my level of preparation: Excellent
How do you rate (1 to 10) the increase of your abilities and knowledge on the topics of the training? – 7
Esemény: 50 napos továbbképzés/tanulmányút
Résztvevő: Szijártó Márk
Időpont: 2020. február 3- március 16.
Fogadó intézmény: Geological Survey of Finland (Finn Földtani Szolgálat)
Téma: Skill capacity development in groundwater energy utilisation
Elégedettségi kérdőív és Szijártó Márk válaszai:
Logistics and organisation of the training:
- Organisation and conduct of the training: Excellent
- Tools and softwares used during the training: Excellent
- Appropriateness of the office (i.e., PC availability, internet connection): Excellent
- Appropriateness of the training duration to the activities done: Excellent
Material and content of the training:
- The training objectives have been clearly presented: Good
- The instructions on how to use the software for the practical activities were clear: Excellent
- The quality of the teaching material provided was adequate for the training objectives: Excellent
- Tutors‘ competence on the topics covered during the training: Excellent
- Tutors‘ assistance during the training: Excellent
Other aspects:
How do you assess your preparation for the topics covered during the training (before it)? – Good
Indicate your opinion on the following statements:
- The topics are of my interest and the training has met my expectations: Excellent
- The training has increased my interest on the topics: Excellent
- The complexity of the subjects dealt with was adapted to my level of preparation: Good
How do you rate (1 to 10) the increase of your abilities and knowledge on the topics of the training? – 8
Esemény: 3 napos nemzetközi online workshop
Időpont: 2021. március 23-25.
Résztvevők: Mádlné Szőnyi Judit, Trásy-Havril Timea, Markó Ábel, Hana Ben Mahrez, Szijártó Márk, Baják Petra
Szervező intézmény: Geological Survey of Finland (Finn Földtani Szolgálat)
Téma: Modelling shallow bedrock energy utilisation
Elégedettségi kérdőív és a résztvevők válaszai:
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