The hydrogeological research group of the József and Erzsébet Tóth Endowed Hydrogeology Chair, led by Judit Mádl-Szőnyi, submitted its application in October 2022 for the Water4All call on global water security. The research proposal titled ClimEx-PE was one of the 27 winning projects that were selected from more than 200 submitted proposals in two extremely competitive rounds. Researchers from CHARM-EU’s partner universities – in addition to ELTE, the University of Barcelona, Trinity College Dublin and Utrecht University – participate in the work of the research group, and the University of Zaragoza also joins the collaboration.
The conceptual background of the proposal was provided by the know-how of the researchers of the József and Erzsébet Tóth Endowed Hydrogeology Chair, entitled “Landscape-scale nature-based targeted groundwater recharge based on groundwater flows” (NB-MAR), which was recognised and accepted as an invention by the ELTE Innovation Board in April 2023.
Concept of NB-MAR (Source: ClimEx-PE)
The ClimEx-PE (Climate Extremes buffering through groundwater flow-based Managed Aquifer Recharge and Public Engagement) proposal combines knowledge of groundwater flow systems, targetedintentional groundwater recharge (Managed Aquifer Recharge, MAR) and the involvement of society in research (Public Engagement). The transnational team will proposework on a new nature-based MAR approach (NB-MAR) which can play an important role in the mitigation of extreme climate events, thereby contributing to ensure safe water supplies for humanity and ecosystems.
The multidisciplinary project involves scientists from the field of natural science and researchers coming from socio-legal fields while also paying special attention to public engagement through communication and education. The researchers participating in the project from the ELTE Faculty of Science (TTK), the ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology (PPK), the ELTE Faculty of Humanities (BTK) and the ELTE Faculty of Law (ÁJK). The lead researchers are: Judit Mádl–Szőnyi (TTK), Brigitta Zentai–Czauner (TTK), Ferenc Gyuris (TTK), István Hoffmann (ÁJK), Andrea Velich (BTK) and Attila Varga (PPK).