Geology TDK 2022

In the 2022/2023 academic year, the TDK (Scientific Student Conference) on Geology was held on December 2, 2022. During the event, the following researches on hydrogeology were presented: Tamara Tóthi: Two in one: subsurface rainwater replenishment as possible heat storage? Supervisors: Judit Mádl-Szőnyi, Ábel Markó, Márk Szijártó. Tamara received 3rd …

Earth Science Festival 2022

The Hungarian Geological Society (HGS) held the Earth Science Festival this year in a hybrid form in November 2022. The roundtable discussion of the opening day started with the topic of groundwater, where the invited experts were Anita Erőss, Szilvia Szkolnikovics-Simon and Soma Oláh from the József and Erzsébet Tóth Endowed …

The presentation of Judit Mádl-Szőnyi at the “Climate change, anxiety and skepticism. Facts and Misconceptions” conference

The Social Science Research Group of Pannon University Faculty of Modern Philology and Social Sciences organized a conference on “Climate change, anxiety and skepticism. Facts and misconceptions” between 11-12 November 2022 within the framework of the “National Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Climate Change”. Investigations of the social, economic, environmental, and mental …

Hungarian Science Festival 2022

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) hosted an event entitled “József Szabó born 200 years ago, the creator of domestic geology“ on November 9, 2022, as part of the Hungarian Science Celebration event. On the occasion of the bicentenary, the event presented the development trends of the main scientific fields …

Participation at the European Geothermal Congress

Ábel Markó, a third-year PhD student, participated and gave a presentation at the European Geothermal Congress held in Berlin in October. The EGEC (European Geothermal Energy Council), which organized the conference, set the goal of stronger representation and advocacy of the geothermal sector during the “geothermal decade” (2020-2030). This would …

Plenary presentation at the Water and wastewater treatment in the industry 2022 conference

On October 13, 2022, the Soós Ernő Research and Development Center organized an international conference entitled Water and wastewater treatment in the industry 2022 in Zalakaros, Hungary. The purpose of the conferencewas to share knowledge for professionals who deal with water technology and water purification. Judit Mádl-Szőnyi was invited to …

Workshop on climate and watre industry invetment

A workshop entilted “Climate protection and research and strategic document for the preparation of water industry investment in the area of Tuzla Canton (Bosnia-Herzegovina)” was presented by the Geogold Kárpátia Ltd., Lawand Engineering Office, VIZITERV Export Ltd., the Western Balkan Green Center and Geohidroterv Ltd. on September 29, 2022 at …

49th IAH Congress

The 49th annual conference of the International Association of Hydrogeologists was held online between September 19 and 22, 2022. This year, the main topic of the conference was Groundwater Sustainability & Poverty Reduction. The oral presentations and posters were grouped around 16 main topics, which touched on the most important …

”OTKA” Postdoctoral excellence programme

A member of the József and Erzsébet Hydrogeology Endowed Chair, Márk Szijártó has been awarded a three-year grant in the “OTKA” Postdoctoral excellence Programme funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund for the research project “Investigation of the coupled age calculation and two- and three-dimensional heat transfer processes …

Agocs Geophyisical Research Fund

Established in 2004 by Prof. William B. Agocs and the Rector of Eötvös Loránd University, the William B. and Elisabeth Behr Agocs Geophysical Research Fund is a fund for young geophysicists, who have demonstrated outstanding results in a Ph.D. thesis or an MSc thesis at Eötvös Loránd University. Based on …