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Tóth József publikációinak Research Gate oldala


 Szerző(k)  Megjelenés dátuma  Cím
 Tóth József 1962  A theory of groundwater motion in small drainage basins in Central Alberta, Canada
 Tóth József 1963  Reply (To S. N. Davis’s discussion of Tóth’s: A theory of groundwater motion in small drainage basins in Central Alberta, Canada)
 Tóth József 1963  A theoretical analysis of groundwater flow in small drainage basins
 Tóth József  1966  Groundwater Geology, Movement, Chemistry, and Resources near Olds, Alberta
 Tóth József  1966  Hozzászólás dr. Szebényi Lajos “Az artézi víz forgalmának mennyiségi meghatározósa” cimű tanulmányához
  Tóth József  1970 A Conceptual Model of the Groundwater Regime and the Hydrogeologic Environment
  Tóth József 1970  Relation between electric analogue patterns of groundwater flow and accumulation of hydrocarbons
  Tóth József 1971  Groundwater Discharge: A Common Generator of Diverse Geologic and Morphologic Phenomena
Tóth József 1972 The Modern Scope of Hydrogeology
  Tóth József  1973 Hydrogeology and Yield Evaluation of a Municipal Well Field, Alberta, Canada
Tóth József 1978 Gravity – induced cross-formational flow of formation fluids, Red Earth Region, Alberta, Canada
Tóth József 1978 Gravity – induced cross-formational water-flow – possible mechanism for transport and accumulation of petroleum
Tóth József 1980 Cross-Formational Gravity-Flow of Groundwater: A Mechanism of the Transport and Accumulation of Petroleum (The Generalized Hydraulic Theory of Petroleum Migration)
Tóth J., Millar R. F. 1983 Possible effects of erosional changes of the topography  relief on pore pressures at depth
Tóth J., Skippen G. B. 1983 The nuclear fuel waste management program. A report to the Canadian Geoscience Council
Tóth J., Millar R. F. 1985 Reply (to comment by C.E. Neuzil on Possible effects of erosional changes of the topography  relief on pore pressures at depth)
Tóth J., Corbet T. 1986 Post-Paleocene Evolution of Regional Groundwater Flow Systems and their Relation to petroleum accumulations, Taber Area, Southern Alberta, Canada
Tóth József 1987 Petroleum Hydrogeology: A Potential Application of Groundwater Science
Tóth J., Corbet T. 1987 Post-Paleocene Evolution of Regional Groundwater Flow Systems and their Relation to petroleum accumulations, Taber Area, Southern Alberta, Canada
Tóth J., Gillard D. 1988 Experimental design and evaluation of a peatland drainage system for forestry by optimization of synthetic hydrographs
Tóth J., Rakhit K. 1988 Exploration for reservoir quality rock bodies by mapping and simulation of potentiometric surface anomalies
Tóth, J., Ophori D. U. 1989 Characterization of Ground-Water Flow by Field Mapping and Numerical Simulation, Ross Creek Basin, Alberta, Canada
Tóth, J., Ophori D. U. 1989 Patterns of Ground-Water Chemistry, Ross Creek Basin, Alberta, Canada
Tóth J., Otto C. J. 1989 Hydrogeology and oil deposits at Pechelbronn-Soultz, Upper Rhine Graben: Ramifications for exploration in intermontane basins
Tóth, J., Ophori D. U. 1990 Influence of the location of production wells in unconfined groundwater basins: an analysis by numerical simulation
Tóth, J., Ophori D. U. 1990 Relationships in regional groundwater discharge to streams: An analysis by numerical simulation
Tóth József 1990 Hydraulic Continuity in Large Sedimentary Basins
 Tóth J., Maccagno Md., Otto C. J., Roston B. J. 1991 Generation and migration of petroleum from abnormally pressured fluid compartments – discussion
 Tóth J., Rostron B. J. 1992 Numerical Simulation Of Oil/Oily-Contaminant Migration And Entrapment In A Lenticular Reservoir
Tóth J., Otto C. J. 1993 Hydrogeology and oil deposits at Pechelbronn-Soultz-Upper Rhine Graben
Tóth J., Parks K. P. 1995 Field Evidence for Erosion-Induced Underpressuring in Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary Strata, West Central Alberta, Canada
Tóth József 1995 Hydraulic Continuity In Large Sedimentary Basins
Tóth József 1996 Reply by József Tóth
Tóth József 1996 Reply by József Tóth
Tóth József 1996 Thoughts of a hydrogeologist on vertical migration and near surface geochemical exploration for petroleum
Tóth J., Rostron B.J. 1996 Ascending fluid plumes above devonian pinnacle reefs: Numerical modeling and field example from West-Central Alberta, Canada
Tóth J., Holysh S. 1996 Flow of formation waters: Likely cause for poor definition of soil gas anomalies over oil fields in East-Central Alberta, Canada
Tóth J., Sheng G. 1996 Enhancing Safety Of Nuclear Waste Disposal By Exploiting Regional Groundwater Flow: The Recharge Area Concept
Tóth József 1999 Review: “Groundwater in Geologic Processes” by Steven E. Ingebritsen and Ward E. Sanford
Tóth József 1999 Groundwater as a geologic agent: An overview of the causes, processes, and manifestations
Tóth József 2000 Summary of the sessions on critical evaluation of scientific, technical and social demand for ITGE geological mapping
 L. Rybach, J. Tóth  2000 International Satellite Conference “The Geology of Today for Tomorrow”. A Satellite Conference of the World Conference on Science, 1999 June 21-22, Budapest, Hungary
G. Sheng, J. Tóth 2000 Using the recharge area concept as a strategy for siting underground nuclear waste repositories
Tóth József 2000 Report on Section B: “Protection of Subsurface Aquifers” – GTT Conference
Tóth József 2000 The key to improvements in aquifer protection: Analytical hydrogeology
Tóth J., Almasi I. 2001 Interpretation of observed fluid potential patterns in a deep sedimentary basin under tectonic compression: Hungarian Great Plain, Pannonian Basin
Tóth József 2002 József Tóth: An Autobiographical Sketch
Tóth József 2003 Fluid-potential patterns and hydrocarbon deposits in groundwater flow-fields induced by gravity and tectonic compression, Hungarian Great Plain, Pannonian Basin
Tóth József 2003 Önéletrajzi vázlat
Pethő S., Mádlné Szőnyi J., Tóth J. 2004 A Kisalföldi-medence regionális felszín alatti gravitációs vízáramlási képe a hidraulikai adatfeldolgozás alapján
Mádlné Szőnyi J., Simon Sz., Tóth J., Pogácsás Gy. 2005 Felszíni és felszín alatti vizek kapcsolata a Duna-Tisza közi Kelemen-szék és Kolon-tó esetében
Tóth József 2005 The Canadian School of Hydrogeology: History and Legacy
Tóth József 2006 Átfogó kép az Alföld felszín alatti vízáramlás-rendszereinek jellegzetes tulajdonságairól
Tóth J., Mádl-Szőnyi J. 2007 “A Duna-Tisza Köze Vízföldtani Típusszelvény” és a Szikesedés Összefüggései
Czauner B.,Tóth J., Mádl-Szőnyi J., Pogácsás Gy. 2008 Hydraulic potential anomaly indicating thermal water reservoir and gas pool near Berekfürdő, Trans-Tisza Region, Hungary
Tóth J., Mádl-Szőnyi J. 2008 Soil and wetland salinization in the framework of the Danube–Tisza Interfluve hydrogeologic type section
Tóth J., Mádl-Szőnyi J. 2009 A hydrogeological type section for the Duna-Tisza Interfluve, Hungary
Tóth J., Hayashi M. 2010 The theory of basinal gravity flow of groundwater and its impacts on hydrogeology in Japan
Tóth József 2015 Geothermal phenomena in the context of gravity-driven basinal flow of groundwater
Tóth József 2016 The evolutionary concepts and practical utilization of the Tóthian theory of regional groundwater flow
Gong X., Tóth J., Yang X.,  Yuan B., Feng D. 2018 A numerical model in predicting the initial karst development in porous limestone